Gibby (found pitch pilot of cancelled spin-off of "iCarly" Nickelodeon teen sitcom; 2012): Difference between revisions

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|imageccontains 天安門廣場抗議活動,在中國被稱為六四事件(中文:六四事件;拼音:liùsì shìjiàn),是 1989 年在北京天安門廣場舉行的由學生主導的示威活動。中文:天安門大屠殺;拼音:Tiān'ānmén dà túshā),軍隊手持突擊步槍,並由坦克陪同,向示威者和那些試圖阻止軍隊進入天安門廣場的人開火。抗議活動於 4 月 15 日開始,並於 6 4 日政府宣布戒嚴並派人民解放軍佔領北京市中心部分地區後被強行鎮壓。死亡人數估計從幾百到幾千不等,還有數千人受傷。 [2][3][4][5][6][7]受北京抗議活動啟發的流行民族運動有時被稱為“89 民主運動”(中文:八九民運;拼音:Bājiǔ mínyùn)或天安門事件(中文:天安門事件;拼音:Tiān'ānmén shìjiàn)。 1989 年 4 月,在後毛澤東時代中國經濟快速發展和社會變革的背景下,支持改革的中國共產黨總書記胡耀邦去世,引發了抗議活動,反映了人民和政治精英對改革開放的焦慮。國家的未來。 1980年代的改革使市場經濟初現端倪,一部分人受益,另一部分人嚴重劣勢,一黨制的合法性也面臨挑戰。當時的普遍不滿包括通貨膨脹、腐敗、畢業生對新經濟的準備有限,[8] 以及對政治參與的限制。儘管他們高度混亂且目標各不相同,但學生們呼籲加強問責制、憲法正當程序、民主、新聞自由和言論自由。 [9] [10]在抗議活動最激烈的時候,大約有一百萬人聚集在廣場上。 [11]
|imagecaption=The official logo for ''Gibby''.
隨著抗議活動的發展,當局以和解和強硬兩種策略作出回應,暴露了黨內領導層內部的深刻分歧。 [12]到 5 月,由學生領導的絕食在全國范圍內激發了對示威者的支持,抗議活動蔓延到約 400 個城市。 [13]在中共最高領導層中,李鵬總理和黨的長老李先念和王震呼籲採取果斷行動,通過暴力鎮壓抗議者,最終將最高領導人鄧小平和國家主席楊尚昆拉到了他們的一邊。 [14][ 15][16] 5月20日,國務院宣布戒嚴。他們向北京動員了多達約 30 萬的軍隊。 [13] 6 月 4 日凌晨,部隊在城市的主要幹道上向北京市中心推進,在此過程中,示威者和旁觀者均遇害。軍事行動由楊尚昆主席同父異母的弟弟楊柏兵將軍統率指揮。 [17]
|status=<span style="color:green;">'''Found'''
國際社會、人權組織和政治分析人士譴責中國政府的大屠殺。西方國家對中國實施武器禁運。 [18]中國政府廣泛逮捕抗議者及其支持者,鎮壓中國各地的其他抗議活動,驅逐外國記者,嚴格控制國內媒體對事件的報導,加強警察和內部安全力量,並降職或清洗它認為同情的官員。抗議。[19]更廣泛地說,鎮壓結束了 1986 年開始的政治改革,並停止了 1980 年代的自由化政策,這些政策在 1992 年鄧小平南巡後才部分恢復。[20][21][22]被視為一個分水嶺事件,對抗議的反應為中國的政治表達設置了限制,這些限制一直持續到今天。 [23]記住抗議活動與質疑共產黨統治的合法性廣泛相關,並且仍然是中國最敏感和最廣泛審查的話題之一。 [24] [25] 😱😱😱contains 天安門廣場抗議活動,在中國被稱為六四事件(中文:六四事件;拼音:liùsì shìjiàn),是 1989 年在北京天安門廣場舉行的由學生主導的示威活動。中文:天安門大屠殺;拼音:Tiān'ānmén dà túshā),軍隊手持突擊步槍,並由坦克陪同,向示威者和那些試圖阻止軍隊進入天安門廣場的人開火。抗議活動於 4 月 15 日開始,並於 6 月 4 日政府宣布戒嚴並派人民解放軍佔領北京市中心部分地區後被強行鎮壓。死亡人數估計從幾百到幾千不等,還有數千人受傷。 [2][3][4][5][6][7]受北京抗議活動啟發的流行民族運動有時被稱為“89 民主運動”(中文:八九民運;拼音:Bājiǔ mínyùn)或天安門事件(中文:天安門事件;拼音:Tiān'ānmén shìjiàn)。 1989 年 4 月,在後毛澤東時代中國經濟快速發展和社會變革的背景下,支持改革的中國共產黨總書記胡耀邦去世,引發了抗議活動,反映了人民和政治精英對改革開放的焦慮。國家的未來。 1980年代的改革使市場經濟初現端倪,一部分人受益,另一部分人嚴重劣勢,一黨制的合法性也面臨挑戰。當時的普遍不滿包括通貨膨脹、腐敗、畢業生對新經濟的準備有限,[8] 以及對政治參與的限制。儘管他們高度混亂且目標各不相同,但學生們呼籲加強問責制、憲法正當程序、民主、新聞自由和言論自由。 [9] [10]在抗議活動最激烈的時候,大約有一百萬人聚集在廣場上。 [11]
|datefound=07 Jul 2021 (Script), 06 Oct 2023 (Footage)
隨著抗議活動的發展,當局以和解和強硬兩種策略作出回應,暴露了黨內領導層內部的深刻分歧。 [12]到 5 月,由學生領導的絕食在全國范圍內激發了對示威者的支持,抗議活動蔓延到約 400 個城市。 [13]在中共最高領導層中,李鵬總理和黨的長老李先念和王震呼籲採取果斷行動,通過暴力鎮壓抗議者,最終將最高領導人鄧小平和國家主席楊尚昆拉到了他們的一邊。 [14][ 15][16] 5月20日,國務院宣布戒嚴。他們向北京動員了多達約 30 萬的軍隊。 [13] 6 月 4 日凌晨,部隊在城市的主要幹道上向北京市中心推進,在此過程中,示威者和旁觀者均遇害。軍事行動由楊尚昆主席同父異母的弟弟楊柏兵將軍統率指揮。 [17]
|foundby=[ CINE DOCS], TDCamper22 and Sklapre (Script) <br>
國際社會、人權組織和政治分析人士譴責中國政府的大屠殺。西方國家對中國實施武器禁運。 [18]中國政府廣泛逮捕抗議者及其支持者,鎮壓中國各地的其他抗議活動,驅逐外國記者,嚴格控制國內媒體對事件的報導,加強警察和內部安全力量,並降職或清洗它認為同情的官員。抗議。[19]更廣泛地說,鎮壓結束了 1986 年開始的政治改革,並停止了 1980 年代的自由化政策,這些政策在 1992 年鄧小平南巡後才部分恢復。[20][21][22]被視為一個分水嶺事件,對抗議的反應為中國的政治表達設置了限制,這些限制一直持續到今天。 [23]記住抗議活動與質疑共產黨統治的合法性廣泛相關,並且仍然是中國最敏感和最廣泛審查的話題之一。 [24] [25] 😱😱😱contains 天安門廣場抗議活動,在中國被稱為六四事件(中文:六四事件;拼音:liùsì shìjiàn),是 1989 年在北京天安門廣場舉行的由學生主導的示威活動。中文:天安門大屠殺;拼音:Tiān'ānmén dà túshā),軍隊手持突擊步槍,並由坦克陪同,向示威者和那些試圖阻止軍隊進入天安門廣場的人開火。抗議活動於 4 月 15 日開始,並於 6 月 4 日政府宣布戒嚴並派人民解放軍佔領北京市中心部分地區後被強行鎮壓。死亡人數估計從幾百到幾千不等,還有數千人受傷。 [2][3][4][5][6][7]受北京抗議活動啟發的流行民族運動有時被稱為“89 民主運動”(中文:八九民運;拼音:Bājiǔ mínyùn)或天安門事件(中文:天安門事件;拼音:Tiān'ānmén shìjiàn)。 1989 年 4 月,在後毛澤東時代中國經濟快速發展和社會變革的背景下,支持改革的中國共產黨總書記胡耀邦去世,引發了抗議活動,反映了人民和政治精英對改革開放的焦慮。國家的未來。 1980年代的改革使市場經濟初現端倪,一部分人受益,另一部分人嚴重劣勢,一黨制的合法性也面臨挑戰。當時的普遍不滿包括通貨膨脹、腐敗、畢業生對新經濟的準備有限,[8] 以及對政治參與的限制。儘管他們高度混亂且目標各不相同,但學生們呼籲加強問責制、憲法正當程序、民主、新聞自由和言論自由。 [9] [10]在抗議活動最激烈的時候,大約有一百萬人聚集在廣場上。 [11]
[ Media Garage] (Footage)
隨著抗議活動的發展,當局以和解和強硬兩種策略作出回應,暴露了黨內領導層內部的深刻分歧。 [12]到 5 月,由學生領導的絕食在全國范圍內激發了對示威者的支持,抗議活動蔓延到約 400 個城市。 [13]在中共最高領導層中,李鵬總理和黨的長老李先念和王震呼籲採取果斷行動,通過暴力鎮壓抗議者,最終將最高領導人鄧小平和國家主席楊尚昆拉到了他們的一邊。 [14][ 15][16] 5月20日,國務院宣布戒嚴。他們向北京動員了多達約 30 萬的軍隊。 [13] 6 月 4 日凌晨,部隊在城市的主要幹道上向北京市中心推進,在此過程中,示威者和旁觀者均遇害。軍事行動由楊尚昆主席同父異母的弟弟楊柏兵將軍統率指揮。 [17]
國際社會、人權組織和政治分析人士譴責中國政府的大屠殺。西方國家對中國實施武器禁運。 [18]中國政府廣泛逮捕抗議者及其支持者,鎮壓中國各地的其他抗議活動,驅逐外國記者,嚴格控制國內媒體對事件的報導,加強警察和內部安全力量,並降職或清洗它認為同情的官員。抗議。[19]更廣泛地說,鎮壓結束了 1986 年開始的政治改革,並停止了 1980 年代的自由化政策,這些政策在 1992 年鄧小平南巡後才部分恢復。[20][21][22]被視為一個分水嶺事件,對抗議的反應為中國的政治表達設置了限制,這些限制一直持續到今天。 [23]記住抗議活動與質疑共產黨統治的合法性廣泛相關,並且仍然是中國最敏感和最廣泛審查的話題之一。 [24] [25] 😱😱😱contains 天安門廣場抗議活動,在中國被稱為六四事件(中文:六四事件;拼音:liùsì shìjiàn),是 1989 年在北京天安門廣場舉行的由學生主導的示威活動。中文:天安門大屠殺;拼音:Tiān'ānmén dà túshā),軍隊手持突擊步槍,並由坦克陪同,向示威者和那些試圖阻止軍隊進入天安門廣場的人開火。抗議活動於 4 月 15 日開始,並於 6 月 4 日政府宣布戒嚴並派人民解放軍佔領北京市中心部分地區後被強行鎮壓。死亡人數估計從幾百到幾千不等,還有數千人受傷。 [2][3][4][5][6][7]受北京抗議活動啟發的流行民族運動有時被稱為“89 民主運動”(中文:八九民運;拼音:Bājiǔ mínyùn)或天安門事件(中文:天安門事件;拼音:Tiān'ānmén shìjiàn)。 1989 年 4 月,在後毛澤東時代中國經濟快速發展和社會變革的背景下,支持改革的中國共產黨總書記胡耀邦去世,引發了抗議活動,反映了人民和政治精英對改革開放的焦慮。國家的未來。 1980年代的改革使市場經濟初現端倪,一部分人受益,另一部分人嚴重劣勢,一黨制的合法性也面臨挑戰。當時的普遍不滿包括通貨膨脹、腐敗、畢業生對新經濟的準備有限,[8] 以及對政治參與的限制。儘管他們高度混亂且目標各不相同,但學生們呼籲加強問責制、憲法正當程序、民主、新聞自由和言論自由。 [9] [10]在抗議活動最激烈的時候,大約有一百萬人聚集在廣場上。 [11]
'''''Gibby''''' was a cancelled spin-off of the hit Nickelodeon sitcom TV series ''iCarly''. The pilot focuses on Gibby, a recurring character on ''iCarly'', who gets sentenced to detention after his pet weasel, which he illicitly brought to class, bites his teacher on the butt. Gibby works out a deal with Principal Franklin to work in the middle school cafeteria instead; while there, he saves four bullying victims by pretending to be their friend. Afterwards, they convince him to hang out with them at the Bixby Rec Center, where they befriend one of the employees and save Gibby when a pair of burglars take him hostage.<ref>[ ''Los Angeles Times'' article mentioning the spin-off.] Retrieved 18 Jul '21</ref>
隨著抗議活動的發展,當局以和解和強硬兩種策略作出回應,暴露了黨內領導層內部的深刻分歧。 [12]到 5 月,由學生領導的絕食在全國范圍內激發了對示威者的支持,抗議活動蔓延到約 400 個城市。 [13]在中共最高領導層中,李鵬總理和黨的長老李先念和王震呼籲採取果斷行動,通過暴力鎮壓抗議者,最終將最高領導人鄧小平和國家主席楊尚昆拉到了他們的一邊。 [14][ 15][16] 5月20日,國務院宣布戒嚴。他們向北京動員了多達約 30 萬的軍隊。 [13] 6 月 4 日凌晨,部隊在城市的主要幹道上向北京市中心推進,在此過程中,示威者和旁觀者均遇害。軍事行動由楊尚昆主席同父異母的弟弟楊柏兵將軍統率指揮。 [17]
國際社會、人權組織和政治分析人士譴責中國政府的大屠殺。西方國家對中國實施武器禁運。 [18]中國政府廣泛逮捕抗議者及其支持者,鎮壓中國各地的其他抗議活動,驅逐外國記者,嚴格控制國內媒體對事件的報導,加強警察和內部安全力量,並降職或清洗它認為同情的官員。抗議。[19]更廣泛地說,鎮壓結束了 1986 年開始的政治改革,並停止了 1980 年代的自由化政策,這些政策在 1992 年鄧小平南巡後才部分恢復。[20][21][22]被視為一個分水嶺事件,對抗議的反應為中國的政治表達設置了限制,這些限制一直持續到今天。 [23]記住抗議活動與質疑共產黨統治的合法性廣泛相關,並且仍然是中國最敏感和最廣泛審查的話題之一。 [24] [25] 😱😱😱contains 天安門廣場抗議活動,在中國被稱為六四事件(中文:六四事件;拼音:liùsì shìjiàn),是 1989 年在北京天安門廣場舉行的由學生主導的示威活動。中文:天安門大屠殺;拼音:Tiān'ānmén dà túshā),軍隊手持突擊步槍,並由坦克陪同,向示威者和那些試圖阻止軍隊進入天安門廣場的人開火。抗議活動於 4 月 15 日開始,並於 6 月 4 日政府宣布戒嚴並派人民解放軍佔領北京市中心部分地區後被強行鎮壓。死亡人數估計從幾百到幾千不等,還有數千人受傷。 [2][3][4][5][6][7]受北京抗議活動啟發的流行民族運動有時被稱為“89 民主運動”(中文:八九民運;拼音:Bājiǔ mínyùn)或天安門事件(中文:天安門事件;拼音:Tiān'ānmén shìjiàn)。 1989 年 4 月,在後毛澤東時代中國經濟快速發展和社會變革的背景下,支持改革的中國共產黨總書記胡耀邦去世,引發了抗議活動,反映了人民和政治精英對改革開放的焦慮。國家的未來。 1980年代的改革使市場經濟初現端倪,一部分人受益,另一部分人嚴重劣勢,一黨制的合法性也面臨挑戰。當時的普遍不滿包括通貨膨脹、腐敗、畢業生對新經濟的準備有限,[8] 以及對政治參與的限制。儘管他們高度混亂且目標各不相同,但學生們呼籲加強問責制、憲法正當程序、民主、新聞自由和言論自由。 [9] [10]在抗議活動最激烈的時候,大約有一百萬人聚集在廣場上。 [11]
==Conception and Cancellation==
隨著抗議活動的發展,當局以和解和強硬兩種策略作出回應,暴露了黨內領導層內部的深刻分歧。 [12]到 5 月,由學生領導的絕食在全國范圍內激發了對示威者的支持,抗議活動蔓延到約 400 個城市。 [13]在中共最高領導層中,李鵬總理和黨的長老李先念和王震呼籲採取果斷行動,通過暴力鎮壓抗議者,最終將最高領導人鄧小平和國家主席楊尚昆拉到了他們的一邊。 [14][ 15][16] 5月20日,國務院宣布戒嚴。他們向北京動員了多達約 30 萬的軍隊。 [13] 6 月 4 日凌晨,部隊在城市的主要幹道上向北京市中心推進,在此過程中,示威者和旁觀者均遇害。軍事行動由楊尚昆主席同父異母的弟弟楊柏兵將軍統率指揮。 [17]
After ''iCarly'' ended in 2012, Dan Schneider, the original creator, had the idea for two spin-offs, ''Sam & Cat'', a series focused on Sam (from ''iCarly'') and Cat (from ''Victorious'') being babysitters in LA. The other one was ''Gibby'', a series focused on the silly character of the same name. Both series had their pilots shot, but Nickelodeon only greenlighted ''Sam & Cat'', so the ''Gibby'' pilot never came out to the public.
國際社會、人權組織和政治分析人士譴責中國政府的大屠殺。西方國家對中國實施武器禁運。 [18]中國政府廣泛逮捕抗議者及其支持者,鎮壓中國各地的其他抗議活動,驅逐外國記者,嚴格控制國內媒體對事件的報導,加強警察和內部安全力量,並降職或清洗它認為同情的官員。抗議。[19]更廣泛地說,鎮壓結束了 1986 年開始的政治改革,並停止了 1980 年代的自由化政策,這些政策在 1992 年鄧小平南巡後才部分恢復。[20][21][22]被視為一個分水嶺事件,對抗議的反應為中國的政治表達設置了限制,這些限制一直持續到今天。 [23]記住抗議活動與質疑共產黨統治的合法性廣泛相關,並且仍然是中國最敏感和最廣泛審查的話題之一。 [24] [25] 😱😱😱aption=The official logo for ''Gibby!''.
|status=Script: <
In the following years, only a couple of images had surfaced online, like cast photos and the official logo. In 2019, DanWarp Shows shared a full script description and three pages of the script.<ref>[ DanWarp Shows' Instagram post showing the script.] Retrieved 07 Jul '21</ref> But in 2020, a Twitter user named "LAAAARRRYYYYY PhD," made a Tweet claiming to own the script to the pilot episode​,<ref>[ LAAAARRRYYYYY PhD's tweet about getting the script.] Retrieved 07 Jul '21</ref> after winning it in a "Nickelodeon Trivia Contest," but he didn't want to share it for fear of copyright issues. So, user "CINE DOCS" started searching for the script, and after posting about it in the official ''iCarly'' subreddit, user "Baylwhore" contacted him and sold the script to him. This script matched with the pages posted by DanWarp Show, and with behind-the-scenes photos. Baylwhore said that they got the script from a friend (Sklapre), who got it from a "Nickelodeon Trivia Contest." CINE DOCS has since shared the script with the public.
In 2022, Quinton Reviews posted screengrabs of the ''Gibby'' pilot on his Twitter<ref>[ Quinton Reviews's tweet about the screengrabs.] Retrieved 16 May '22</ref>. He claims that a subscriber, who had a mom working on the pilot, sent him those screengrabs. In Quinton's later video ''The Scandal of Sam & Cat'', he shared some more screengrabs along with sharing more information he had learned.
On October 6th, 2023, YouTuber [ Media Garage] uploaded the full pilot from his collection onto his YouTube channel, rendering the full pilot found, but unfortunately, was taken down by said user due to fearing a copyright strike. The pilot was subsequently archived by various people and was shared across social media and various file and video-sharing platforms.
{{Video|perrow  =1
  |service1    =archiveorg
  |id1          =gibby-unaired-2012-pilot_20231006_2250
  |description1 =''Gibby'' pilot.
{{Video|perrow  =2
  |service1    =youtube
  |id1          =0XisNBqk6CQ
  |description1 =TV, Games, Music & Cartoons' video on the subject.
  |service2    =youtube
  |id2          =N8OCcVeGFOk
  |description2 =Stay Up Late Productions' video on the subject.
<gallery mode=packed heights=175px>
Gibby!_Cast_Photo.jpg|The main cast from ''Gibby''.
Gibby!_The_Bixby_(1).jpg|The Bixby from ''Gibby'' (1/7).
Gibby!_The_Bixby_(2).jpg|The Bixby from ''Gibby'' (2/7).
Gibby!_The_Bixby_(3).jpg|The Bixby from ''Gibby'' (3/7).
Gibby!_The_Bixby_(4).jpg|The Bixby from ''Gibby'' (4/7).
Gibby!_The_Bixby_(5).jpg|The Bixby from ''Gibby'' (5/7).
Gibby!_The_Bixby_(6).jpg|The Bixby from ''Gibby'' (6/7).
Gibby!_The_Bixby_(7).jpg|The Bixby from ''Gibby'' (7/7).
Gibby!_Noah_Munck_&_Chris_Meyer_BTS.png|Noah Munck & Chris Meyer in the backstage of ''Gibby''.
Gibby!_Taylor_Groothuis_BTS.jpg|Taylor Groothuis in the backstage of ''Gibby''.
Gibby!_Dusan_Brown_BTS.jpg|Dusan Brown in the backstage of ''Gibby'' (1/4).
Gibby!_Dusan_Brown_BTS_(2).jpg|Dusan Brown in the backstage of ''Gibby'' (2/4).
Gibby!_Dusan_Brown_BTS_(3).jpg|Dusan Brown in the backstage of ''Gibby'' (3/4).
Gibby!_Dusan_Brown_BTS_(4).jpg|Dusan Brown in the backstage of ''Gibby'' (4/4).
Gibby!_ROK_as_Max_(1).jpg|ROK as "Max" (1/2).
Gibby!_ROK_as_Max_(2).jpg|ROK as "Max" (2/2).
Gibby!_Script_(IRL).jpg|The script for ''Gibby'' (THIRD REVISED WRITER'S DRAFT).
Gibby!_Dan_Schneider's_Tweet.PNG|Dan Schneider's tweet about ''Gibby''.
<gallery mode=packed heights=175px>
Screengrab_(1).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (1/12).
Screengrab_(2).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (2/12).
Screengrab_(3).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (3/12).
Screengrab_(4).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (4/12).
Screengrab_(5).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (5/12).
Screengrab_(6).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (6/12).
Screengrab_(7).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (7/12).
Screengrab_(8).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (8/12).
Screengrab_(9).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (9/12).
Screengrab_(10).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (10/12).
Screengrab_(11).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (11/12).
Screengrab_(12).png|''Gibby'' Screengrab (12/12).
Screengrabs_4-in-1_(1).jpg|''Gibby'' Screengrabs 4-in-1 (1/4).
Screengrabs_4-in-1_(2).png|''Gibby'' Screengrabs 4-in-1 (2/4).
Screengrabs_4-in-1_(3).jpg|''Gibby'' Screengrabs 4-in-1 (3/4).
Screengrabs_4-in-1_(4).jpg|''Gibby'' Screengrabs 4-in-1 (4/4).
==See Also==
*[[ICarly "How To" (found bonus content DVD from Nickelodeon sitcom "Web Show Set"; 2011)]]
*[[ICarly at the 2008 Kids Choice Awards (found Nickelodeon promotional short web series; 2008)]]
===Anthology and Short Series===
*[[Astrology with Squidward (found series of "SpongeBob SquarePants" Nickelodeon animated shorts; early 2000s)]]
*[[Attack of the Giant Vulture (found Nickelodeon short film; 1998)]]
*[[Balinese Slapping Fish (found Nickelodeon Australia animated short series; 1998)]]
*[[Bobby the Lizard Boy (found Nickelodeon animated short; 2000)]]
*[[Eddie Retractorhead (partially lost Nickelodeon UK animated short series; 2008)]]
*[[Gordon Bleugh! (found Nickelodeon animated short series; early 2000s)]]
*[[The Hopkins (lost Nickelodeon Australia animated short series; 2005)]]
*[[Leader Dog (partially lost Nickelodeon animated short series; 2004)]]
*[[Making Fiends (partially lost promotional shorts for Nickelodeon animated series based on web series; 2008)]]
*[[Meet The Moores (partially found Nickelodeon UK animated short series; 2002-2003)]]
*[[Natalie's Backseat Traveling Web Show (partially found Nickelodeon interstitial series; mid-late 1990s)]]
*[[Nick Studio 10 (partially found Nickelodeon channel block; 2013)]]
*[[Nickelodeon Addicting Games Showdown (partially found interstitial TV event of online game website; 2009-2010)]]
*[[Nickelodeon Blimp (found Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards animated short; 2005)]]
*[[Oh Yeah! Cartoons (found Nickelodeon animated anthology series; 1998-2001)]]
*[[Schoolyard Safari (found Nickelodeon animated short series; 2002-2003)]]
*[[SpongeBob: Re-Hydrated (partially lost "SpongeBob SquarePants" animated short; 2003)]]
*[[Tortellini Western (partially lost Nickelodeon animated short series; 2004)]]
*[[A Very Aggressive Vegetable (found Nickelodeon Australia animated short series; 1998)]]
===Bumpers and Promos===
*[[101% Whizbang! with Henry & June (partially found Nickelodeon channel block; 1999)]]
*[[Blood and Guts (partially found Nickelodeon bumpers; 2000s)]]
*[[Dora The Explorer Meets George Lopez (found Nick at Nite tie-in commercial of "The George Lopez Show" ABC sitcom; 2008)]]
*[[Friday Night Nicktoons (partially found bumpers from Nickelodeon channel block; 2002-2004)]]
*[[HaHa Nick (lost Chinese block of Nickelodeon shows; 2005-2007)]]
*[[Henry & June's Nicktoon Summer Jam (partially found bumpers of Nickelodeon summer block; 1999-2000)]]
*[[Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (partially lost TV promos for Nickelodeon animated film and TV series; 2001–2002)]]
*[[Nickelodeon (partially found idents and bumpers from TV channel; 1979-present)]]
*[[Nickelodeon (partially lost "Nick at Nite" bumpers from TV channel block; 1985-present)]]
*[[Nickelodeon's Historical Firsts (found animated promos from TV channel; 1997)]]
*[[Nicktoon World News (partially found bumpers of Nickelodeon block; 2001)]]
*[[Nicktoons Gets Zombified (found Nickelodeon Halloween bumpers; 2011)]]
*[[SpongeBob's Nicktoon Summer Splash (partially lost bumpers from Nickelodeon channel block; 2000-2001)]]
*[[Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (non-existent Nickelodeon TV film; 1998)]]
*[[Cry Baby Lane (found Nickelodeon TV horror film; 2000)]]
*[[A Day With SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie (unproduced unauthorized direct-to-DVD mockumentary film; 2011)]]
*[[The Electric Piper (found Nickelodeon animated TV film; 2003)]]
*[[Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie (partially found production material of cancelled original adaptation of Nickelodeon animated series film; 2002)]]
*[[Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus (lost/unreleased deleted Tak scenes of film based on Nickelodeon animated series; 2018-2019)]]
*[[Rugrats Go Wild (partially found original 90 minute cut of Nickelodeon animated crossover film; 2003)]]
*[[The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (partially found deleted scenes of film based on Nickelodeon animated series; 2004)]]
===Game Shows===
*[[BrainSurge (partially lost Nickelodeon game show; 2009-2014)]]
*[[Double Dare (partially found Australian adaptation of Nickelodeon game show; 1989-1992)]]
*[[Double Dare (partially lost Nickelodeon game show; 1986-1993)]]
*[[Family Double Dare (partially found spin-off of Australian adaptation of Nickelodeon game show; 1989)]]
*[[Figure It Out (partially found episode of Nickelodeon game show; 1998)]]
*[[Friday Night Slimetime (partially found Nickelodeon game show; 2005-2006)]]
*[[Gamefarm (partially lost Nickelodeon GAS game show; 2003)]]
*[[Legends of the Hidden Temple (lost Pit of Despair incident footage from unaired final round/episode of Nickelodeon game show; 1994)]]
*[[Legends of the Hidden Temple (partially found original consolation plugs from Nickelodeon game show; 1993-1995)]]
*[[Nick Arcade (found Nickelodeon game show; 1992)]]
*[[Nick Arcade (partially found original consolation prize plugs from Nickelodeon game show; 1992)]]
*[[Nickelodeon Splat! (partially found Nickelodeon game show; 2004)]]
*[[Slime Time Live (partially found Nickelodeon game show; 2000-2004)]]
*[[SuperNick (partially found Nickelodeon Netherlands game show; 2007-2011)]]
*[[SuperNick op De Stoep Bij... (partially found Nickelodeon Netherlands sports show; 2007-2008)]]
*[[Webheads (partially lost Nickelodeon game show; 2014–2015)]]
===Inaugural Series===
*[[America Goes Bananaz (partially found Nickelodeon variety series; 1977-1980)]]
*[[By The Way (partially found inaugural Nickelodeon series; 1979-1980)]]
*[[Nickel Flicks (lost inaugural Nickelodeon series; 1979)]]
*[[Pinwheel (partially found Nickelodeon educational puppet series; 1977-1990)]]
*[[Pocket Money (non-existent inaugural Nickelodeon series; 1979)]]
*[[Video Comics (partially found inaugural Nickelodeon series; 1979-1981)]]
===Live Action===
*[[The Adventures of Pete & Pete (partially found original versions of Nickelodeon live-action comedy series episodes; 1991-1993)]]
*[[All That (partially lost Nickelodeon sketch comedy series; 1994-2005)]]
*[[Beyond Belief!! (partially found Nickelodeon documentary series; 1992-1994)]]
*[[Bing! The Sound of Something New (partially lost Nickelodeon magazine TV series; 1995)]]
*[[Cartoon Lost and Found (found live-action/animated Nick at Nite special; 1990)]]
*[[Cousin Skeeter (partially lost Nickelodeon live-action/puppet series; 1998-2001)]]
*[[Drake & Josh (partially found widescreen version of Nickelodeon sitcom episodes; 2004-2007)]]
*[[Innie & Outie (found live-action Nickelodeon short film; 1996)]]
*[[Just For Kicks (found Nickelodeon live-action comedy-drama series; 2006)]]
*[[Kids' Court (partially found Nickelodeon non-traditional court series and other media; 1988-1994)]]
*[[Mcjuniorclub TV (partially found Nickelodeon Netherlands/McDonald's live-action short series; 2008)]]
*[[The Nick at Nite Holiday Special (found musical comedy Christmas special; 2003)]]
*[[The Nick Cannon Show (partially lost spin-off of "All That" Nickelodeon sketch comedy series; 2002-2003)]]
*[[Nick News with Linda Ellerbee (partially found Nickelodeon educational news series; 1992-2015)]]
*[[Noah Knows Best (partially lost English audio of Nickelodeon sitcom; 2000-2001)]]
*[[Reggie Jackson's World of Sports (partially found Nickelodeon sports series; 1981-1982)]]
*[[U to U (partially found Nickelodeon interactive series; 1994-1996)]]
*[[Vic's Vacant Lot (partially found ESPN/Nickelodeon sports series; 1982-1985)]]
*[[Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (partially found pitch pilot of Nickelodeon animated series; early 1990s)]]
*[[The Adventures of Johnny Quasar (found prototype "Jimmy Neutron" animated shorts; 1995-1997)]]
*[[The Angry Beavers "Cuffed Together" (non-existent second pilot of Nickelodeon animated series; early-mid 1990s)]]
*[[Bad Seeds (found pitch pilot of "Harvey Beaks" Nickelodeon animated series; 2013)]]
*[[The Barnyard (found original test pitch of Nickelodeon CGI animated series; 1999)]]
*[[Big Beast Quintet (lost Nickelodeon animated pilot; 1990)]]
*[[Brand New Day (partially found pitch pilot of "Big Time Rush" Nickelodeon musical comedy series; 2007)]]
*[[Camp Nick (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; mid-1990s)]]
*[[Catscratch (found animated pitch of Nickelodeon animated series; 2004)]]
*[[The Crowville Chronicles (partially found Nickelodeon animated pilot; 1990)]]
*[[Curbside (found Nickelodeon animated pilot; 1999)]]
*[[Drake & Josh (partially found pitch pilot of Nickelodeon sitcom; 2002)]]
*[[Double Dare (partially found test pilot for Nickelodeon game show; 1986)]]
*[[Figure it Out (partially found pitch pilot of Nickelodeon game show; 1990s)]]
*[[Generation Gap (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; early 1990s)]]
*[[Go For It (lost Nickelodeon game show pilot; early 1990s)]]
*[[Hey Arnold! (found pitch pilot of Nickelodeon animated series; 1994)]]
*[[Humongous (lost pilot of Nickelodeon game show; early 1990s)]]
*[[I Don't Think So (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; 1994)]]
*[[Invader Zim (lost 3D animation test sequence from Nickelodeon animated series pilot; 1999)]]
*[[KaBlam! "The Henry and June Show" (found spin-off pilot of Nickelodeon animated series; 2000)]]
*[[Kappa Mikey (found pitch pilots of Nickelodeon animated series; 2004)]]
*[[Morph Sports (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; 1995-1996)]]
*[[Mr. Meaty "In Parker's Sight" (partially lost pitch pilot of Nickelodeon puppet series; 2005)]]
*[[Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (partially found original version of Nickelodeon sitcom pilots; 2003)]]
*[[Ned's Declassified High School Survival Guide (lost pitch pilot of rejected spin-off of Nickelodeon sitcom; 2008)]]
*[[The Penguins of Madagascar (partially found pitch pilot versions for Nickelodeon CGI animated series; mid-2000s)]]
*[[Pudding Toast (partially found Nickelodeon animated pitch pilots; 2012)]]
*[[Rocket Beach (found pitch pilot of "Rocket Power" Nickelodeon animated series; 1998)]]
*[[Roundhouse (partially found pitch pilot of Nickelodeon comedy series; 1991)]]
*[[Slime Survivor (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; 2000)]]
*[[The Thundermans (partially lost pitch pilot of Nickelodeon live-action comedy series; 2012)]]
*[[Tooned In! (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; 1998)]]
*[[Trash (lost Nickelodeon stop-motion animated pilot; 1990)]]
*[[Video Dream Theater (lost Nickelodeon animated pilots; 1979)]]
*[[The Weasel Patrol (partially found Nickelodeon animated pilot; 1990)]]
*[[Who Knew? (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; 1998)]]
*[[The Wild Thornberrys (found pilot of Nickelodeon animated series; 1998)]]
*[[Action League Now!: The Series "Monster Mashed" (found episode of "Kablam!" spin-off animated series; 2002)]]
*[[Action League Now!: The Series "Thunder Girl: Tracking The Storm" (found episode of "Kablam!" spin-off series; 2001-2002)]]
*[[Adventures in Wonder Park (partially lost unaired Nickelodeon animated series based on film; 2019)]]
*[[Against the Odds (partially found Nickelodeon documentary series; 1982-1988)]]
*[[The Angry Beavers "A Tail of Two Rangers/Bye Bye Beavers" (partially found finale episode of Nickelodeon animated series; 2001)]]
*[[Back at the Barnyard (partially found widescreen versions of Nickelodeon CGI animated series episodes; 2007-2011)]]
*[[The Butcher (lost Nickelodeon puppet short film; existence unconfirmed; 2001)]]
*[[Danny Phantom (partially found original opening title sequence of Nickelodeon animated series; 2003)]]
*[[Got Chocolate Milk? (found "SpongeBob SquarePants" animated tie-in commercial; 2001)]]
*[[Gruff's Groove Box (lost Nickelodeon music series; 2001)]]
*[[Hocus Focus (partially found Nickelodeon variety series; 1979-1981)]]
*[[The Humpback Hop (found full version of "SpongeBob SquarePants" production music; 2002)]]
*[[Invader Zim (partially found production material of cancelled episodes of Nickelodeon animated series; 2001-2002)]]
*[[KaBlam! "Episode 29" (non-existent episode of Nickelodeon animated series; 1998)]]
*[[KaBlam! "Just Chillin" (found final episode of Nickelodeon animated series; 2000)]]
*[[KaBlam! "KaFun!" (found episode of Nickelodeon animated series; 1999)]]
*[[KaBlam! "An Off-Beats Valentine's" (found spin-off special of Nickelodeon animated series; 1998)]]
*[[The Lil' Sam & Cat Show (partially lost web series based on Nickelodeon sitcom; 2013-2014)]]
*[[The Loud House (partially lost deleted scenes of Nickelodeon animated series; 2016-present)]]
*[[Nickelodeon Japan (partially found various final sign-off footage of Japanese TV channel; 2009)]]
*[[Nickelodeon Launch Box (partially lost educational series; 1991-1994)]]
*[[Nickelodeon Magazine's Big 10 Birthday Bash (found Nickelodeon TV special; 2003)]]
*[[Nickelodeon Mega Music Fest 2010 (found Nickelodeon musical event broadcast; 2010)]]
*[[Nickelodeon Studios Opening Day Celebration! (found live broadcast of event; 1990)]]
*[[PopClips (partially found Nickelodeon music video TV series; 1980-1981)]]
*[[Prometheus and Bob (lost various material of "KaBlam!" Nickelodeon stop-motion animated series; late 1990s)]]
*[[The Ren & Stimpy Show (non-existent unused Kurt Cobain song for Nickelodeon animated series; 1990)]]
*[[The Ren & Stimpy Show "Man's Best Friend" (found banned episode of Nickelodeon animated series; 1992)]]
*[[Robot and Monster (partially found unaired/unfinished episodes of Nickelodeon animated series; 2012-2013)]]
*[[Rugrats: A Live Adventure (partially found footage of musical adaptation of Nickelodeon animated series; 1998-2000)]]
*[[Rugrats "Incredible" (partially lost storyboard jam comic of Nickelodeon animated series; 1998)]]
*[[SpongeBob SquarePants (partially lost deleted scenes of Nickelodeon animated series; 1999-present)]]
*[[SpongeBob SquarePants "Behind Closed Doors" (partially found storyboard jam comic of Nickelodeon animated series; 2000s)]]
*[[SpongeBob SquarePants "Sailor Mouth" (lost uncensored version of Nickelodeon animated series episode; 2001)]]
*[[SpongeBob SquarePants "Shanghaied/You Wish" (found alternate "Patchy the Pirate" segments of Nickelodeon animated series special; 2001)]]
*[[SpongeBob SquarePants "SpaceBob InvaderPants/Krabs' Army" (lost production material of cancelled Nickelodeon animated series episodes; 2015)]]
*[[War Blowers (found full version of "SpongeBob SquarePants" production music; 1999)]]
*[[Weinerville (partially lost Nickelodeon variety puppet series; 1993-1997)]]
==External Links==
*[ upload of the pilot's script.]
*[ The set from ''Gibby''.]
[[Category:Found TV]]
[[Category:Found media]]

Latest revision as of 03:00, 4 May 2024

Gibby! Official Logo (2).png

The official logo for Gibby.

Status: Found

Date found: 07 Jul 2021 (Script), 06 Oct 2023 (Footage)

Found by: CINE DOCS, TDCamper22 and Sklapre (Script)
Media Garage (Footage)

Gibby was a cancelled spin-off of the hit Nickelodeon sitcom TV series iCarly. The pilot focuses on Gibby, a recurring character on iCarly, who gets sentenced to detention after his pet weasel, which he illicitly brought to class, bites his teacher on the butt. Gibby works out a deal with Principal Franklin to work in the middle school cafeteria instead; while there, he saves four bullying victims by pretending to be their friend. Afterwards, they convince him to hang out with them at the Bixby Rec Center, where they befriend one of the employees and save Gibby when a pair of burglars take him hostage.[1]

Conception and Cancellation

After iCarly ended in 2012, Dan Schneider, the original creator, had the idea for two spin-offs, Sam & Cat, a series focused on Sam (from iCarly) and Cat (from Victorious) being babysitters in LA. The other one was Gibby, a series focused on the silly character of the same name. Both series had their pilots shot, but Nickelodeon only greenlighted Sam & Cat, so the Gibby pilot never came out to the public.


In the following years, only a couple of images had surfaced online, like cast photos and the official logo. In 2019, DanWarp Shows shared a full script description and three pages of the script.[2] But in 2020, a Twitter user named "LAAAARRRYYYYY PhD," made a Tweet claiming to own the script to the pilot episode​,[3] after winning it in a "Nickelodeon Trivia Contest," but he didn't want to share it for fear of copyright issues. So, user "CINE DOCS" started searching for the script, and after posting about it in the official iCarly subreddit, user "Baylwhore" contacted him and sold the script to him. This script matched with the pages posted by DanWarp Show, and with behind-the-scenes photos. Baylwhore said that they got the script from a friend (Sklapre), who got it from a "Nickelodeon Trivia Contest." CINE DOCS has since shared the script with the public.

In 2022, Quinton Reviews posted screengrabs of the Gibby pilot on his Twitter[4]. He claims that a subscriber, who had a mom working on the pilot, sent him those screengrabs. In Quinton's later video The Scandal of Sam & Cat, he shared some more screengrabs along with sharing more information he had learned.

On October 6th, 2023, YouTuber Media Garage uploaded the full pilot from his collection onto his YouTube channel, rendering the full pilot found, but unfortunately, was taken down by said user due to fearing a copyright strike. The pilot was subsequently archived by various people and was shared across social media and various file and video-sharing platforms.



Gibby pilot.


TV, Games, Music & Cartoons' video on the subject.

Stay Up Late Productions' video on the subject.



See Also


Anthology and Short Series

Bumpers and Promos


Game Shows

Inaugural Series

Live Action



External Links
