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UPDATE 3.07: HAPPY (LATE) 6TH ANNIVERSARY! (Added 03 Dec 2018)

[File:Lmw_6_birthday.png|HAPPY 6TH ANNIVERSARY!|link=]]

50 seconds from King Koopa's Kool Kartoons, courtesy of Neeel

Pepsi Sampler PS1 disc video by SSTEAS (includes cover scans)

Ghost Stories #FinishTheStories video by Eclipse of Fire Productions

What's up guys, dycaite, back again (finally, right?) and straight off the bat I wanna give a big thanks to kobo for filling in for me on the previous two notice board posts, much appreciated, dude!

Well, it's rolled around to that time of year again, the anniversary of the LMW! I know, I know, we're a few days past the 30th of November, but y'know what they say, "better late than never" ^__^' Big, big thanks to everybody who has contributed to the site and the community over the past 6 years, I've said it before, but I'll say it again because it's true - the LMW wouldn't be what it is today without you guys, so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all :) Happy 6th anniversary!

And while we're here, why not go over some recent lost media news? Let's get right into it:

  • A lost episode of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit has been partially found! Over in Japan, a 16mm home copy of "Neck 'n' Neck" (cut down to two minutes from its original runtime of five) was found to be in the possession of anime historian Yasushi Watanabe, having purchased it during his high school years, at a toy shop near his home in Osaka, nearly 70 years ago. Watanabe learned of the cartoon's significance after reading David Bossert's 2017 Oswald the Lucky Rabbit: The Search for the Lost Disney Cartoons; it is currently being held by Kobe Planet Film Archive (one of Japan's largest private film collections) and there are reportedly talks of the short potentially being screened for animation scholars at an event in Los Angeles. Whatever the case may be, here's hoping it's made available to the public soon! You can read more about it here and here.
  • 50 seconds of previously lost footage from King Koopa's Kool Kartoons has emerged! Found by YouTuber Neeel, the footage from the show's 1989 Thanksgiving marathon was made available on his channel back in August, and can be seen via the above embed! While 50 seconds might not seem very significant to some, with a show as rare as this, every little bit really does help; thanks Neeel!
  • YouTuber and LMW contributor SSTEAS recently came into possession of a very rare promotional Pepsi Sampler PS1 disc from 1997 that was never made commercially available, and of which not even a single image of the slipcase was available online - until now! SSTEAS has graciously scanned his copy and provided the scans in a video on his channel, you can check it out via the above embed; thanks SSTEAS!
  • YouTuber Eclipse of Fire Productions has recently instigated an effort to have the lost "Am I Beautiful? Kuchisake-onna" episode of Ghost Stories released; this project, dubbed #FinishTheStories, is the kind of initiative I like to see in campaigning for forgotten pieces of media to be unearthed by their respective creators and as such, I figured I'd give Eclipse of Fire Productions and their #FinishTheStories project a shout out here. You can watch a video on the initiative via the above embed!

That's gunna do it for today, guys! Once again, a big, big thank you to everyone who has made this place what it is over the past 6 years, I truly am immensely grateful. Here's hoping for another great year of LMW over the next 12 months; until next time, cyas!


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