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Revision as of 09:48, 2 March 2018 by Dycaite (talk | contribs)
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UPDATE 3.02! (Added 02 Mar 2018)
My signed DVD copy of UFO Abduction (thanks Dean!)

LMC Episode 57 - Winsor McCay

LMC Episode 58 - Souvlaki by Slowdive

LMC Episode 59 - Blue's Clues

Hey guys, dycaite here! Just a quick one today because I'm a bit under the weather at the moment and have decided to take a break from the site/community for a few weeks (and just, social media in general), to better recuperate my mental and physical health :) BUT before I do there's a couple of things I have to mention! Starting with:

  • Dean Alioto's UFO Abduction (aka The McPherson Tape) has received an official re-release! Now available in its digitally remastered form (on DVD or downloadable copy), the notoriously eerie found footage mockumentary can be purchased via it's official website, and the DVD also contains the Fox Encounters special on the film! I would highly encourage anyone who is a fan of this film, or of "lost" films in general, to grab a copy of this; I have already purchased mine because I am a big believer in supporting artists when they put their lost content out legitimately, and I would like to think that most of you would feel the same way. Thanks to Dean Alioto for letting me know about the release (and also for signing my copy :D)!
  • Randy has released 3 new episodes of the Lost Media Chronicles! This time he covers Winsor McCay, Souvlaki by Slowdive (in a crossover episode with Adventures in Vinyl Land) and Blue's Clues, respectively; check 'em out via the above embeds, there's nearly an hour of entertainment here!

That's all from me for now, take it easy guys and I'll catch you all in a few weeks time after having myself a little vacation! ✌


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