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Doggo64's profile picture as seen on Google, GBATemp, and other platforms. (The Badly Drawn Doggo)

Username: Doggo64

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Color: Crimson

Hates most: Loud/Startling noises.


More information found in User Talk.

Description: Hello, World! I am Doggo64, a American user who lives in Georgia, U.S.A. I love Game consoles and Lost Media. My favorite types being: Pilots, Pitch Bibles, Lost Games, Beta/Alpha Versions of Games, and Lost Game Assets. (Call me a Nerd, i guess.) Let's get one obvious thing out of the way, yes, I am a furry aswell. Don't hate on me for it as I don't actually really show much "furry traits". I don't have any Lost Media on my hands, except a Wii U Panorama View demo video that can potentially become lost media.. but its documented on Youtube. I will mainly be here to edit and corrections and y'know. Who knows, I may help in a search or two. I have joined 1/7/2023 around night time, because I was bored. Ill end my description after this random question, cuz im just makin' this up as I go. My favorite cartoon character would be a close call between Classic Spongebob and Dr. Doofensmhirtz. That's all I have for my random description from the random guy, so bye! (also if you wanna read more about me read the user talk as I said earlier)