Retarted Ray (partially found early YouTube series by Joji; late 2000s)

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George Miller a.k.a. "Filthy Frank", "Joji"

Status: Partially Found


This article has been tagged as NSFW due to its sensitive language.

Retarted Ray was a series of skits created by "DizastaMusic" (George Miller, later known as "Filthy Frank" and "Joji") back in the late 2000s.[1]

This was a satirical, off-color/offensive humor YouTube series created when Joji was in middle and high school. It features Joji's friend Ray Brown as Retarted Ray. Joji and his friends also appeared. As the series was never popular, it faded into obscurity and was replaced by "Filthy Frank."


Following the rise of "Filthy Frank" and "Pink Guy," Joji moved to "TVFilthyFrank" and privatized the Retarted Ray videos on the "DizastaMusic" channel (possibly to protect the privacy of his friends). A playlist of the Retarted Ray series can still be accessed on the "DizastaMusic" channel,[2] but the videos are private, currently making them unwatchable.

A total of 6 videos were made before their de-listing:

  • Retarted Ray Charles
  • Retarted Ray - The Bathroom
  • Retarted Ray - The Elevator
  • Retarted Ray - The Payphone
  • Retarted Ray - The Ultimate Traffic Light
  • Retarted Ray - A Pudding Story

Only the last one was archived and reuploaded by another user.


Retarted Ray - A Pudding Story

See Also


External Links