Added an original version of AQGTCW (TV 1989 - 2005)

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The original version on the now-defunct HaganTube covered the Jim'll Fix It segment A Fix with Sontarans because she forgot to cover it earlier or something. Of course when uploaded to YouTube, the BBC didn't allow that segment (as seen in the comments of the current version). She briefly introduced Jim'll Fix It, calling it Make A Wish for the non-dying and saying it sounds like a fine idea on paper, but of course was detrimented by being headed by one of the most prolific child rapists. When #6 calls him revolting, she quips "Quite right, Doctor." And she also brings up the child actor's amazing non-performance and would love for him to just exist in other Who episodes just being. Also brings up a theory that the kid is the same person as a similarly named older gentlemen in a NuWho episode, suggesting people always slightly change their name after meeting the Doctor, and that head canonically he went on many more terrible adventures. Then it goes into the Dimensions in Time segment by saying that it's just as bad, but on the plus side it's MUCH LONGER!

Also funny to think that since those videos came out, we did finally learn what happened to Ace in the series proper.