Too Many Cooks Snelgrove Snail

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I just ripped the first of my three tapes. It has some fuzz at the beginning and end, as well as occasional dropouts in audio for fractions of seconds. It is still watchable though. It does give some insights into the organization of the show. The tape ran for 24 minutes and contained three segments of about 8 minutes each. It contained "Too Many Cooks", which has been lost until now. However, it also contained the existing segments "Nose for News" and "The Truth About Gossip". I don't know for sure how the 130 half-hour TV episodes or the 10 half-hour specials worked, but I bet that the regular episodes were three segments stapled together that, with commercials, would be roughly a half-hour. No clue if the specials followed the same format.

Of course, assuming they didn't repeat any segments, this could mean there are 390 segments out there, plus whatever was used for the specials. I have doubts that we will ever be able to mark this as Found.

Two more tapes are en route, and assuming they follow the same formula, we could have six more segments found soon.