This info is incorrect; the game is not at all entirely found.

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ETPB was a multi-platform game, but most of it was relegated to PC browsers. In fact, only chapter 3 was available in iOS devices. In total, this is what is consists of:

- Chapter 1 Web Game - Chapter 2 Web Game - Chapter 3 Web Demo - Chapter 3 Web Game - Chapter 3 iOS Game

The chapter 3 iOS game, which is the one people are claiming to have only recently been found, was not even lost to begin with. In fact, the IPA had been publically available on MTV Dev since mid 2021, and had been circulating amongst certain Gorillaz communities for years now. Hell, I'd even shared it om the the Gorillaz Wiki back in late July. (btw, this is only the IPA for the 1.1 update - but that does not mean that the og 1.0 release is lost either; I have a friend who still has the 1.0 version installed on their iPod, and they're currently looking into a way of extracting the IPA, so it's simply a matter of time until that one is recovered as well.

The only other found element is the web demo for chapter 3, which could be downloaded from the Wayback Machine capture of the file and was recently extracted by Reddit user LOQAL.

Aside from that though, the game is not at all fully found. Sure, some assets from the web-exclusive chapters 1 and 2 have been preserved, but the games are not at all playable in their entirely, making it only 'Partially Found'. In addition, the chapter 3 web game is also technically lost - sure, the assets are pretty much the same as the iOS version, but the platform is an entirely different one, and those elements of it have yet to be recovered.