New links & 1 brand-new found episode! (+ other exciting finds...)

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Hallo-- Agent DoubleOOP from YouTube here. Just replaced a whole bunch of dead links from Michael Sachs' terminated YouTube channel. Sadly, I never downloaded any of that in time, and the account that downloaded my Puzzle Place playlist only took the first part of each episode. Tried to improve the quality of those, to soften that blow. Also, changed certain links to link to higher-quality sources.

Besides that, I JUST received an episode in the mail from someone named Dantecat, along with the SUPER-rare show soundtracks that were released on CD & cassette tape. Will rip ASAP and get back to y'all. : )

(Also, who knows why the pilot episodes weren't added to the actual page, but I just did that-- super-huge thank you, Pikop Andropov!)