That's weird...

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That's pretty weird...haha I am a Brazilian so i'll try to give some information on the video. First the BOB music video was recorded on the amusement park Playcenter. So it was probably recorded on São Paulo. But the supposed dubbing company (Audio News) is from Rio de Janeiro ? On Larry's music video you can see in the bottom it says : "Assista agora na REDE BOAS NOVAS (canal 42 UHF), o programa 'Os Vegetais' de segunda a sexta das 9:00 as 10:00 horas. Para mais informações ligue : 24-2497 9797" I'll translate it: "Watch now on Rede Boas Novas (Channel 42 UHF) the program 'Veggietales' , From Monday to Friday at 9:00AM to 10:00AM. For more information, call 24-2497 9797" If someone has the episodes it must be Rede Boas Novas. Also this phone line is from Rio. I'm hopeful we can find these weird segments.