Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse (2004) cut opening sequence?

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It's evident that with the slow framerate title card in the opening, there was a whole opening sequence that got cut and was reduced down to the title card at the end, with the audio from the opening scene playing over it. Judging by the colors and what's left of it, it probably had Polly and her friends in various outfits and poses. as well as some stock elements of the toys packaging artwork such as flowers. Mike Milo and Rob Hudnut don't even remember anything like this in the production, which could make the search even more troubling. Elsewhere in the movie there's evidence that scenes were cut, like a slight camera pan as a scene cuts, and during the concert (where footage from the waterpark montage is playing on screens), a cut shot (another shot of Ana looking down from the bridge) and an alternate take (Polly and her friends wearing sandals as they're riding an enclosed waterslide, whereas in the actual sequence, they're not wearing sandals) are visible, suggesting that the movie was going to be longer than 25 minutes