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Welcome to The Lost Media Wiki!

This wiki is a community passion project where we detail and attempt to track down (at least, in most cases) pieces of lost or hard to find media; whether it be video, audio or otherwise (of either a fictional or non-fictional nature), if it's completely lost or simply inaccessible to the general public, it belongs here.

Breaking off from its original Wikia hosting, the site was moved to its own, independent host (the process of which was initiated in late 2014 and concluded in mid 2015) and has been steadily growing since its humble beginnings. We encourage any and all connoisseurs of obscure media to join in and contribute; the more the merrier. Happy searching!

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Notice board

UPDATE 2.54! (Added 21 Jan 2017)

Little Shop episode 2

Rebecca Hall in Christine
My Life Me episode 1 (English dub)

Lost Media Chronicles episode 35

Screenshot from Bunyan and Babe
Johnny Bravo mini-documentary

The Dream of Hamish Mose clip 1

The Dream of Hamish Mose clip 2

What's up everyone, dycaite here with a new notice board post to kick off the new year and what better way to do so than with some found media and updates, am I right? Damn right I am :P Let's get into it:

  • The remaining 8 missing episodes of Little Shop have all been found and uploaded to YouTube! This renders the series now fully found and in its English dub, no less (with the exception of episode 9, which is only available in German). Big thanks go to The Little Shop Archive for unearthing the missing episodes, the first of which can be seen above!
  • Christine, the second half of the Christine Chubbuck Sundance "duology" has been released on iTunes! Without wanting to go on too much of a ramble here, this is an absolutely phenomenal film and I wholeheartedly recommend it, not just to those fascinated by the story of Christine, but to film buffs of all kinds. It really is remarkable viewing and will most definitely end up on my top films of 2017, likely in the number one spot. Need I say more? Check it out here, you won't regret it.
  • All 52 episodes of My Life Me have been found in their English dub! Huge thanks go to Mellow Margarine for tracking down, ripping and supplying me with the episodes and to Pan-Pizza for putting him in contact with me; you can enjoy(?) all of the episodes above, via our Vimeo channel!
  • Randy has released a new episode of the Lost Media Chronicles! This one is a crossover with Randy's new series Adventures in Vinyl Land, for reasons that will become apparent when watching the episode; another great instalment, check it out above! One more quick note: for those of you who were asking about the missing Jeff Buckley LMC episode, we are happy to report that it is now available once again! You can catch it here. Thanks Randy!
  • Bunyan and Babe has been released! Not only has this film been released after having spent years in development hell, it has been put out on Google Play completely free of charge! Big thanks to everyone involved in getting this film out in the open and for free, no less; we commend you!
  • More footage from Mess O' Blues (the prototype Johnny Bravo short) has surfaced! The footage comes courtesy of YoshiKiller2S and was sourced from a short documentary included on a Johnny Bravo Season 1 DVD release. The 5 minute documentary can be seen above; thanks Yoshi!
  • Several clips from The Dream of Hamish Mose have been released! This comes off the back of news that a release of the film may indeed be coming in the future, but that there is still a lot to sort out beforehand; here's hoping it happens. Big thanks to Films Around the World (who currently possess the master reels) for releasing these clips and to Uncle Sporkums for bringing them to our attention! You can watch the two clips yourself via the above links.

That ought'a do it for now. Until next time, goodnight, and keep watching the skies!


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