Creed (lost live footage of AllState Stadium Chicago performance from rock band; 2002)

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A still from a recording of the concert.
A clip from The Daily Show covering the lawsuit.

In December of 2002, American rock band, Creed, were getting ready to end their world tour in support for their third album, Weathered. They put up a final show in Chicago's AllState stadium which has gone down in many books as one of the absolute worst performances ever done by a major-label band.

For those unfamiliar with the story, it was the result of poor-decision making by front man Scott Stapp. Having just recovered from a major throat infection, he was under orders to take very powerful antibiotics. Despite the multiple warning labels on the medicine bottle, Scott decided to down an entire bottle of whiskey before performance. The whiskey, naturally, had a bad reaction with the medication and made Scott appear inept and inebriated. He mumbled on incoherently for about 5 songs before suddenly deciding it was a nice time for a nap (no, he didn't pass out like multiple sources claim, he literally laid down and fell asleep). After a couple of minutes, he woke back up, realizing the show was still going and attempted to continue the performance before officials decided enough was enough and the show was ended early. Fans successfully sued the band for several million dollars and the performance was a contributor to the band's breakup the following year.

Aside from a few surviving stills of the performance, no footage has surfaced. It is known that some exists, as fans claim to have taken video on early camera phones (it was a new technology at the time) as well as a couple of people who successfully snuck in their digital cameras. It is speculated that the footage is usually removed whenever it is put up online, as Creed's management wants to keep the band's reputation as clean as possible, especially with Scott's new "sober" lifestyle.