Super Soaker Championship (found German Windows multiplayer arena-shooter; 2006)

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Super soakers championship logo.jpeg

The game's logo.

Status: Lost

Super Soaker Championship is a German multiplayer arena-shooter published in 2006 by Helles Köpfchen, made for Windows XP. The game was made as a non-violent alternative to first-person shooters for kids. There were four different characters to choose from; Mr. Wolf, Grandma Gertrude, Lisa, and Chris.

In 2009, the game was removed from Helles Köpfchen's website, and a notice was added saying that a new game replacing SSC would come soon, named Wasserschlacht 2009. They published screenshots of the new game, and after a closed beta lasting from August 2009 to June 2010, the game was never mentioned again.

Due to the official download-page being inaccessible, and all other download sources of the game being dead, the game is considered lost. Only a few videos of Super Soaker Championship were uploaded onto YouTube.[1] [2] The email linked in the description of the first video is unreachable.

A gallery containing screenshots of the game was found on the german site[3]


External Link
