I Don't Think So (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; 1994)

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Screenshot of a woman getting slimed, as taken from the best of Nickelodeon Studio's video.

Status: Partially Found

I Don't Think So was a game show pilot that was taped at Nickelodeon Studios in late 1994 and was written by Scott Fellows, who would go on to create Ned's Declassified: School Survival Guide. It is unknown why it wasn't greenlit by Nickelodeon.


The only known footage of I Don't Think So online is in a five-minute compilation video created by former crew members of Nickelodeon Studios for its 10 year anniversary in 2000. There is around five seconds of video without the original audio. There is very little information about this pilot available, and whether or not Nickelodeon still has this remains unconfirmed. The final draft of the script was sold on eBay in October 2013.[1]




Footage appears at 1:03 and 1:25.

See Also

Anthology and Short Series

Bumpers and Promos


Game Shows

Inaugural Series

Live Action



External Links
