Lynching of Rashaad Staggie (found on-aired death footage of South African gang leader; 1996)

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Rashaad Staggie (right) in 1993

Status: Found

On August 4th, 1996, Rashaad Staggie, the leader of Cape Town, South Africa's Hard Livings gang, was attacked by a group known as PAGAD (People Against Gangsterism and Drugs.) During the confrontation, members of PAGAD shot Staggie as he stepped out of his white truck, before setting him on fire and watching him burn. Some accounts from eyewitnesses say that members of PAGAD were chanting for Staggie to die as he burned.[1]


Photographer Benny Gool was able to capture photos of the incident,[2] many of which are available online, but a video recording of the event is confirmed to exist, as it was watched in court as evidence.[3] It is unknown who shot the video, but many people who were living in Cape Town at the time recall seeing the video on the news that day, confirming that it does exist.[4] A VICE article from 2011 reports that the incident was filmed on "multiple television cameras," with the same article including what seems to be a frame from the recording, showing the ground with Staggie in the background ablaze.[5]


Lost Media Wiki user MSR commented on June 16th, 2020, linking a video showing the event. The event is shown upon a compilation of violence around PAGAD and the Hard Livings gang at the time. The footage begins with a group of people at a Mosque, the people inside the Mosque are the aforementioned PAGAD, with their leader (Mohammed Ali Parker)'addressing' them. The next scene shows the leader leaving the area at night, with a convoy of vehicles, surrounded by PAGAD members chanting. It abruptly cuts to a scene with civilians and press running from gunfire, men with plate carriers are assisting them with taking cover from the hail of bullets. Within the chaos a man is seen being carried to safety, with wounds to his leg, then another cut to a man being treated on the ground is shown, the man seems to be loosing conscience, although no injuries are visible. It cuts to a man with a pistol taking cover on a corner while gunshots continue to crack in the background, then cuts to a man with his pistol out, with others chanting in what seems like victory. At 1:43 Rashaad is confronted while in a car, he seems to be arguing with someone, it cuts to a scene soon after with people surrounding his vehicle. I assume they found out who he is and the people want to bring him to justice, during the chaos, a gunshot is heard, which hits Rashaad. This results with him on the ground, and a man at the end of the vehicle is taking cover near Rashaad with a revolver. The next scene shows paramedics tending to Rashaad, whilst tending to him, upon the chaos, an assumed member of PAGAD yells "this is the man who kills our children". Moments later, as the paramedics have their back turned as they retrieve their equipment, a fire bomb is thrown at Rashaad, the succeeding moments show what's depicted in images from people around at the time. As paramedics flee, Rashaad stumbles to his feet, running at some men, but he is shoved to the ground. A small jump cut shows people kicking and beating him, before paramedics extinguish the flames. Rashaad is seen moving around in agony after being extinguished, without paramedics in sight. Police then surround the area with an armoured vehicle. The scene ends with him being removed on a stretcher. It then cuts to Rashaad's funeral, with a speech by his twin brother hinting at war between PAGAD.[6]

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