Tri-Lex is a very unique tape, and I'm still working out how to get all of the audio (Partially Found)

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< Mego 2-XL Robot (partially found series of 8-track edutainment games; 1978-1981)
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Every eight-track tape is made up of four stereo programs. This forms eight tracks that run alongside each other on the quarter-inch tape. Most eight track tapes keep rolling in a loop until they hit the metal splice. This marks both the end and the beginning for all four programs. Then, the tape clicks over to the next program. However, they did something very weird with Trilex. I noticed this when my player was on program four and clicked back to program one. I had already listened to program one, so I knew that 2-XL would let the user go first. However, this time, 2-XL insisted on going first. In a normal eight-track, this would be impossible, as this would place the game at the same point as before. The only way to do this would be to include multiple splicing points to change the program. This means that each track does not have a simply, defined beginning and end. Also, my usual set-up to digitize the tape will fail, as my player will switch programs while there is still time remaining.

Most likely, I will need to take apart my Tri-Lex cartridge, pick one of those splice points as a "beginning" and spin it on my reel-to-reel tape recorder. Then, I can do all four while not swapping tracks at the other splices. However, my equipment is not properly aligned, and alignment will be especially tricky due to this weird program arrangement. Even if I got that right, I would need some way to denote the switchover points in the final recording. I will leave this one alone for now.