Number 13 (lost footage from unfinished Alfred Hitchcock film; 1922)

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File:Number 13.jpg
The only physical evidence of Number 13 available to the public.

The uncompleted film Number 13 from Gainsborough Pictures was Alfred Hitchcock's directorial debut. The filming of the movie took place in London, UK, and the story is about poor residents with low-income of a place financed by The Peabody Trust to benefit the very poor residents of London. The only known people who were in the movie were Clare Greet and Ernest Thesiger. The film was written by a woman named Anita Ross, who claimed to have a professional association with Charlie Chaplin. The reason why the film is lost is because the film's production had to stop for an unknown reason. Hitchcock rarely ever spoke about the film during his lifetime except for a few occasions, and when his biographer interviewed him on his early life during the 1920s. Any footage of the incomplete movie is highly sought-after by film collectors and historians. The only photographic material ever made public was a single photo of the set.