Resident Evil 4 (partially found early builds of GameCube survival horror game sequel; 2001-2005)

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Resident evil 4 was the fourth installment of the resident evil franchise. It started development in December of 2001 and was published in January 11th of 2005. This Resident evil title was critically acclaimed and some may argue that this is one of the best Resident evil games of all time, but what many people fail to realize is that this was not the final draft of a game that defines the survival horror genre today.

There are currently 2 released beta trailers for the survival horror game and tell a different story that is not in the final draft of the game today.

'Beta Elements:"

The first beta trailer is probably one of the earliest forms of the beta. It was premired at the

this second beta is more in tune with the first beta but with more graphical changes.

""Playable Demo""

There is currently a playable demo of one of the supposed betas that has been scrapped for the final game. this game, promptly titled code madman can be played here:


video Links

first beta trailer footage for the game.

2nd beta trailer footage for the game.

a video on the beta.


An unsee64 article:]