Kaikai & Kiki (partially found Japanese animations featuring Takashi Murakami characters; 2007-2008)

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Kaikai & Kiki: Planting the Seeds DVD case

Status: Partially Found

Kaikai & Kiki is a lost four-episode[1] miniseries surrounding the characters Kaikai and Kiki, who share the name of Takashi Murakami's art trading company.[2] A full-length picture based on these characters was planned to be finished by 2010, but it never came to be.[3]


Kaikai and Kiki at the watermelon festival.
A screenshot from The Secret of Kaikai

Planting the Seeds (2007) centers around Kaikai & Kiki planting watermelon seeds. During the nighttime, Kiki needs to use the bathroom and decides to defecate on top of the watermelon seeds. This angers Kaikai until the "fertilizer" makes watermelons rapidly grow.[4] The fruits are moved by the ship to the nearby farm, where a festival then begins. The locals, Kaikai, Kiki and their ship enjoy the giant watermelons.

The Secret of Kaikai (2008) gives insight on Kaikai's dramatic backstory. The available footage begins with a giant monster being electrocuted. As it screams, a giant pile of feces lands on the ground. A boy and an older woman seem to be on top of a ship being controlled by characters resembling Kaikai and Kiki. The violence reminds Kaikai of "war," so she takes the remote from Kiki and shuts off the TV. Kiki thinks the poop made Kaikai want to turn off the movie.

A poster advertising The Complete Works of Takashi Murakami & Kaikai Kiki Video Edition. Kaikai, Kiki and their ship are on the cover.

While Kaikai is preparing a meal for her partner, it is then revealed that Kaikai was a pilot for a commander simply titled "Master" from her home planet. Both Master and Kaikai had thought they were winning, but their enemies began to attack. With no other choice, Master ejected Kaikai from the Master's ship through an escape pod. It was the only way to save her.

A Perilous Journey (2010) has no video footage or commentary on its story. The available screenshots show a town in a desert, Kaikai meditating with small people, Kiki sleeping inside a space pod, Kaikai fighting a clone of herself and abstract imagery.


The first episode Planting the Seeds was bundled with VOGUE Nippon issue No. 402 as a bonus gift. Copies of this DVD are not extremely uncommon but go for over $100 on average.[5]

The first and second episodes were screened in Tollywood in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo from May 2, 2009 to May 22, 2009.[6]

Planting the Seeds, The Secret of Kaikai and A Perilous Journey were screened at Takashi Murakami-Ego from February 9, 2012 to June 24, 2012 in Qatar. Stills from A Perilous Journey were featured in the book Murakami-Ego.

A Kaikai & Kiki animation being projected on the screen at Murakami-Ego.[7]

A 4-minute recording of the first episode, Planting the Seeds was uploaded onto YouTube by user Hyun Sook Lee on October 17, 2013.[8] Korean subtitles can be seen on the screen.

A 3-minute recording of the second episode, The Secret of Kaikai was uploaded onto YouTube by user adamlindemanncom on February 15, 2012.[9] The screen has English subtitles, so it is most likely being shown at a museum in an English-speaking country.


Planting the Seeds

4-minute recording of Planting The Seeds

The Secret of Kaikai

3-minute recording of The Secret of Kaikai

A Perilous Journey

More from Takashi Murakami
